May 30

The Magic Mushroom.

“Annette, don’t look so wistful, it’s un-ladylike!” Annette wrinkled her nose at her sister, “I don’t care Leticia, it is not your job to tell me that, it is mammas role!” she said. her sister huffed and pointed her nose in the air, “So what if it is not my role…what is that?” Annette looked up, the girls were standing in the middle of a clearing in the woods they had been walking in, and in front of them was a large mushroom. It was red with white polka dots, just as if it had come from a fantasy movie.

May 30

On my doorstep.

On the way around the corner of West Elwyn street, there lived a cat. The cat slept on the doorstep of 29 West Elwyn street, and was fed by the old woman that lived there. One day, the dog catcher and his family moved into West Elwyn street, and the children came to ask the old woman questions about the animals she owned. now the old woman had been expecting this visit, so she cleaned her house specially. And when the children of the dog catcher arrived, they asked where she had got her cat. she simply said “on my doorstep.”

May 30

The Guardian of the Woods

As Letty strode bravely through the woods, she thought of the argument that had caused her to flee into the woods, the anger in her parents eyes and the misunderstanding in her heart, Letty shook herself, she must not think of that. then Letty reached a clearing in the trees, her eyes (as she thought later) nearly fell out of their sockets, there in the clearing, was a tree, but, it did not look like a tree, more like a man. it was covered in moss and looked extremely old as if it were an ancient god from roman times.

March 8


In Math’s, we have been working on area multiplication. In my video, I have shown how to do, 56 x 72. Before we were up to the videoing stage, we used the school iPads to practice doing the sums, and recording our voices. Then, we tried out different apps on the iPads to see which  one/s would work best to make our videos. In the end, we decided on stop motion and I movie.

I hope you can enjoy yourselves, with the power of Math’s.

February 26

Where did it go?

Lina stared down at her feet, she could feel her mothers hot glare, almost singeing the hairs on her head. “I’m sorry about your golden apple I…” Lina had hardly managed to finish her sentence or even look at her mother when… “but where did it go!?” she shouted. That was the first time Lina had heard her mother shout since her brother Daniel had thrown his toy truck at the post man.

Lina looked from her mother to her father, ashamed. She had known, been told her whole life not to touch that apple, and now one burst of curiosity had got the better of her.

February 11

Silver Buttons Project

Since the start of school my classmates, teacher and I, have been reading a book called “Silver Buttons” we were given a worksheet to work on as a class, on the worksheet we had to single out Adjectives, Nouns, Verbs and so on. After this we were put into groups to create an online book of our own with a similar story board to the “Silver Buttons” book. Here is the book I made:

February 5

First 1 and 1/2 weeks as a year 6!!!

Well as usual, the first few weeks of school have been… interesting, year 6 is much different to year 5, we have been learning different things in a different style, this classroom is a little more… to the point.

So far in Mathematics, we have learned many things including: factors, square roots, powers, numeracy ninjas and exploding dots with James Tanton. I have always enjoyed math and have understood it more and more in the last 2 years. In Literacy this year we have done some exiting things including, guided reading as a class, (we read an information report on some lions in the Tsavo Forest, Kenya) work on our comprehension skills, learning about bias and working on our knowledge of adjectives and verbs.

our guided reading page.